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Nancy Perry Eaton & Collaborative Divorce Central Texas


Attorney Nancy Perry Eaton is an accomplished family law attorney with experience in handling cases in a way that protects your legal rights and preserves your relationship with those closest to you. She is also a member of the Collaborative Divorce Central Texas group. This positions Attorney Eaton to better serve the Killeen community and the families of Texas at large throughout divorce proceedings.

What Is Collaborative Divorce?

Collaborative divorce offers divorcing couples an alternative method of resolving their disputes that do not require court intervention. Collaborative practice requires a different way of thinking than litigation. Unlike formal litigation, which is an adversarial process where the parties essentially compete to “win” their case, the collaborative divorce process focuses on mutual compromise and cooperation. As a result, collaborative lawyers are specifically trained in the collaborative process. The difference in the collaborative is so different that collaborative lawyers are ethically prohibited from representing the parties in a subsequent adversarial litigation.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Professional from Collaborative Divorce Central Texas?

Collaborative Divorce Central Texas is a group of professionals with training and experience in resolving divorces using the collaborative law process. It is made up of a handful of experienced attorneys—including Attorney Nancy Perry Eaton—and a number of mental health professionals.

Ultimately, collaborative divorce is a kind of settlement process. The end goal of the collaborative process is to find a resolution to the parties’ conflict that preserves relationships, whether it’s between spouses or parents and children. Therefore, collaborative divorce lawyers get to focus on the particular circumstances of each case so they can craft a resolution to the parties’ divorce issues more efficiently. Further, experienced collaborative divorce professionals are familiar with several issues and know how to keep the parties focused on what’s important. This environment fosters cooperation between the parties, making the divorce process less stressful and more cost-effective.

Contact the Law Offices of Nancy Perry Eaton, PLLC

If you are going through a divorce in Texas, you might be able to benefit from the collaborative divorce process. Given the potential financial savings and benefits of such a process, collaborative divorce can be an extremely valuable approach to resolving your issues. Collaborative law has the potential to save you thousands of dollars in court and litigation fees.

To figure out whether collaborative divorce is appropriate for your case, you should call the Law Office of Nancy Perry Eaton, PLLC. We have experience working across professional disciplines to give you and your family to preserve your interests, and that of your family, when it comes to managing your divorce case.

Call our office at (254) 221-8588 or visit us online today to get started on your case today.
