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Tips For Handling Stress In A Divorce

Woman meditating

No matter how prepared you feel for what it brings, divorce is still one of the most devastating experiences you will ever endure. In fact, divorce is named as one of the most stressful life events alongside the death of a loved one, job loss, moving, and major illness or injury. Not only are you saying goodbye to a relationship and family unit you hoped would last forever, but you are also dealing with the practical elements of ending a legal contract, like property division and other financial matters. Without the proper guidance and counsel, you run the risk of self-sabotaging your divorce process and outcome by giving in to stress.

We offer the following tips for successfully handling the stress of divorce:

  • Deep breathing – When you catch yourself panicking in the moment, stop and take several deep breaths. This will clear your mind and allow you to relax by releasing tension.
  • Find a calming mantra – Repeat soothing and encouraging statements to yourself. Focus on what motivates you, such as “I’m doing this for my children” or, “what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.”
  • Express your stress – All of the negative emotions associated with stress, such as anxiety or anger, can be channeled into a healthy outlet like exercising, journaling, speaking to a therapist, venting to a loved one, crying it out, etc. Don’t hold it in.
  • Look ahead – Remember, you are doing this for a reason. There is a happier future on the other side and you must look at the positive of the situation, such as the prospect of independence and freedom.
  • Let yourself feel – Allow yourself the room to grieve. Don’t hold it in as this will only hurt you in the long run.
  • Give more hugs – Physical affection from loved ones will go a long way.
  • Cuddle your pet – Pets are proven to uplift our moods and relieve stress.
  • Maintain personal health – Make sure you are eating healthy and drinking plenty of water.
  • Spend time in nature – Get some fresh air! Many people find healing and comfort in the great outdoors.

Facing Divorce & Seeking a Qualified Family Lawyer? Contact Our Highly Esteemed Firm Today

Ultimately, the most effective way to combat the stress of a divorce is to enlist the services of a legal team you can trust to truly put your needs first. At the Law Office of Nancy Perry Eaton, PLLC, we are led by a compassionate, result-oriented family law attorney who has committed her life to helping families in their times of need.

Allow us to fight for your future today. Don’t hesitate to call (254) 221-8588 at your earliest convenience.
