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Welcoming New Associate Attorney, Thomas Young

Scales of Justice with Legal Books

Nancy is happy to welcome associate attorney Thomas Young to her team. Not only does Thomas bring valuable legal experience to the job, but he's also lived a rich, varied life with each experience providing a solid foundation for the next.

Hailing from Miamisburg, Ohio, Thomas left school at 10 and began working for a construction company. By age 13, he was leading his own crew, and by 16 his crew had expanded. However, he'd always wanted to join the military, so, with the support of his parents, he enlisted in the Army at 17.

After completing basic training at Ft. Jackson in South Carolina, Thomas's first duty station was Hohenfels, Germany. From there, he was transferred to Ft. Campbell in Kentucky and later back to Ft. Jackson, where he trained soldiers, then to Ft. Benning in Georgia. He was deployed twice in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) from 2003-2004/2005 and 2007/2008, where he led a group of soldiers as a Cavalry Scout Team Leader. He transferred out of the service to care for his small son.

While deployed, Thomas met his current wife, Kim. After waiting for her to serve her last year in the service, they were married. Her father asked him move their family to Killeen where he lived for two years before they moved anywhere else to which he agreed. During that time, he joined the Killeen Police Department as a police officer. As he served those five years, he realized he liked Killeen, so he and his family decided to stay.

Thomas had never intended to become a lawyer, but the Lord used his time as a policeman to show him another way to help those around him. After earning a BS in Political Science from Kaplan University, he earned a law degree from Liberty University and opened his own office in Killeen focusing on civil, business, family, and personal injury law. However, after five years of practicing law, he realized the Lord had another plan for him, so he closed his practice, joined Nancy, and is planning to attend seminary soon. Thomas is looking forward to contributing to Nancy’s team and has already received a warm welcome from them.

Thomas's wife, Kim, is a certified teacher, who home schools their five sons and one daughter, the youngest, who will be well protected as she grows up with four big brothers!
